
Joel Walsh

Team Lead - Audio Director - Founder

Joel helps clients design and build the best possible audio experience unique to their project. His long career in audio includes delivering music , dialogue & effects for both broadcast and video game clients. He drives innovation and quality for both internal and external teams.

Mark Proveau

Senior Programmer - Audio Developer - Game Designer

Mark has contributed programming to a wide variety of game projects across multiple platforms. Based on his experience as a game developer Mark seamlessly connects game mechanics with audio design in Unity and Unreal Engine using either native audio or middleware solutions like FMOD and Wwise.

Martin Lande

Sound Designer - Audio Developer - Actual Genius

Martin creates games, music, sound design and audio tools. Our team relies on Martin’s broad range of experience and skill in game development to help keep our work deliverable and client focused. A true multi disciplinarian Martin understands game development and audio from a wholistic point of view.

Jeff Cohen

Producer - Special Projects - Linear & VR

Jeff brings his experience as an audio producer for commercial TV and Radio to the team. He’s able to easily connect clients to world class voice acting and music composition talent. An expert in navigating production and licensing for video games.


Jessica Pignataro

Casting - Music Licensing - Project Support

Jessica navigates complex creative projects with a sense of adventure and wonder that keeps the workflow fun , engaging and deliverable. Jessica has over 15 years experience working on audio focused projects with wide variety creative team members.